[HowTo] Stop phpmyadmin from asking username, password in localhost

Yesterday, I showed you how you can keep local installation of phpmyadmin from logging you out every few minutes. I took one more step and edited configuration to not ask me username, password at all. Now phpmyadmin never asks me for mysql username and password. Keep in mind if you follow this tutorial anyone would be able… Continue reading [HowTo] Stop phpmyadmin from asking username, password in localhost

[HowTo] Remove admin bar from wordpress 3.1

The new admin bar in wordpress 3.1 is one good feature to have but sometimes its unwanted. For example you might already have some other kind of top bar with which admin bar may interfere. You can remove the admin bar by putting the following code in /wp-content/YOURTHEME/functions.php: if(function_exists(‘show_admin_bar’)){ show_admin_bar(false); }

[HowTo] Check your php and server information using phpinfo()

We can check the php configuration, apache’s loaded modules and all other kinds of PHP configuration using a simple function called phpinfo(). Create a file called infophp.php in your web’s root directory and put the following code in it: <? phpinfo(); ?> This would output all the php configuration info and apache information. You can… Continue reading [HowTo] Check your php and server information using phpinfo()

Categorized as how-to, php

[SOLVED] Flush(), ob_flush() not working in PHP (Disabling gzip through htaccess)

Flushing the output buffer doesn’t works in PHP sometimes no matter what you do. I had this code which would never work on my server but would perfectly fine on localhost. This was the code. <?php include(‘common.php’); ini_set(‘output_buffering’,’on’); ini_set(‘zlib.output_compression’, 0); //ini_set(‘implicit_flush’,1); ob_implicit_flush(); for($i=0;$i<10;$i++) { echo $i; echo str_repeat(” “, 500); ob_flush(); flush(); sleep(1); } ?>… Continue reading [SOLVED] Flush(), ob_flush() not working in PHP (Disabling gzip through htaccess)

Categorized as php